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7 Main Factors That Affect Fat Body Composition

Despite the negative associations, body fat is essential-we and needs a certain amount for proper hormone function and to cover our organs and provide sequestration. Yet a higher percentage of body fat can come with health risks. Understand your total body composition and the factors that affect it so you can take away to stay healthy.

The factors to watch

1. Calorie intake and food quality

Of course, fat storage occurs when you create a calorie fat ( consuming further calories than you burn). Here Fit Medical Weight Loss Tips Albuquerque Any eating plan that helps produce a calorie deficit ( consuming smaller calories than you burn) can lead to weight loss. Still, researchers have observed a connection between the quality of food choices ( more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) and lower percent body fat.

2. Physical activity

Exercise and daily physical exertion help burn calories to avoid calorie fat. Strength training exercises, in particular, can help muscle loss as Weight Loss Management Albuquerque New Mexico.

3. Age

Among the factors that affect body composition, aging may be the most frustrating. People tend to lose muscle and gain body fat around age 30. Indeed if your weight does not change, this shift leads to an advanced body fat percentage. It can also affect tighter-fitting clothes, given that a pound of body fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle. Also, an advanced proportion of abdominal (" belly") fat accumulates with age, adding to diabetes and heart disease threats.

Of course, when people gain weight with age, most of this weight gained is fat, not muscle, so again, the percent of body fat rises.

4. Gender

Given the same body mass index (BMI), women have about 10 more body fat than men. This difference is likely to support the energy requirements of travail. Women also have increased body fat during pregnancy and lactation. During menopause, women tend to accumulate further fat around their abdomen.

Testosterone is responsible for the increased muscle mass men have compared to women.

5. Genetics

Genetics account for about 40-70 of the risk of being fat. In addition to affecting hunger and wholeness signals, your genes can influence how and where you store body fat. But, of course, genetics do not equal destiny. Not everyone with the genetic tendency toward getting fat does so. If you want to become fit then contact Fit Medical Weight Loss Center Albuquerque and get the result.

6. Poor sleep

Inadequate sleep is not just about feeling wiped out the next day. Poor sleep can increase inflammation and insulin resistance, triggering fat storage. Lack of sleep also poses fresh challenges for weight loss increased appetite and food cravings, making it harder to limit calorie input.

7. Stress

Periods of stress high your body for fat storage, resulting from your body going into"survival mode." Numerous studies show an association between advanced levels of the stress hormone cortisol and increased fat cell size, formation of new fat cells, and abdominal fat deposits. In addition, stress can spark emotional eating and make it harder to exercise and prepare healthy foods.

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